Monday, April 15, 2013


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

This verse has been on my heart lately. I feel like this past week I have just been stressed and just filled with fear. At Kingdom Called, we talked about how being courageous is not a feeling. It is an ACTION, it is a CHOICE! We talked about how it means not waiting until you fear, but rather being courageous despite your fears. One of the fears that I have going into this summer is getting attached to my teammates. As some of you may know, I went on Milwaukee Summer Project last summer. The most difficult part of Project for me last summer was when we all had to go our separate ways. I have to continually have to surrender this fear to the Lord. The reason why I fear getting close to them is because I know the pain that comes with it. I have to constantly remind myself that usually when you experience this kind of pain you know you've experienced something beautiful. It's a good kind of pain. Another one my fears is falling in love with Uruguay and what God may call me to do after this summer. On Wednesday night, after sharing these fears with the ladies in my discipleship group and being prayed for I felt an overwhelming amount of peace. An unshakeable peace that only comes from God. 

I titled this blog "worth the price" because this was the theme of Kingdom Called. We talked about the idea of Lordship and what that means. I really liked one of the metaphors that one of our speakers gave about God's will being like a blank sheet with our signature at the bottom without us knowing what will be on that sheet. Just being willing to go wherever God wants us to go. Many times, when we serve God we want to serve Him on our own terms.

Kingdom Called was such a blessing! I'm so thankful and exhausted. I got to meet my teammates for Uruguay Summer Project. I love my team! I'm excited to see what God has in store for us this summer. We spent a lot of time talking about the culture of Uruguay. This weekend we practiced besos (kisses). Uruguay is a friendly and very welcoming country. People usually greet each other with a kiss on the left cheek. Also, it is socially acceptable for men to greet other men in this way. If you were to walk into a room, you would have to greet everyone in the room with a kiss and when you leave you would have to say good-bye to everyone in the same manner.

Saturday night, we had a mate party after we were done for the night.

Mate is a traditional South American beverage. It  It is prepared from steeping dried leaves of yerba (herb) mate in hot water. It is similar to tea. This is usually drank in social settings. It is normal for the Uruguayans to share this with one another. I really like it! :)

We also talked about expectations for our Project and things we will have to do safety purposes. It is recommended that women do not walk alone just as a precaution. This is so different than what we are told in American society. In American society, we are told that as women we are suppose to be independent. The men are going to have to step up as leaders and be sacrificial with their time. As for the women, we are going to have to let go of that independence and be willing to let the men look out after us. Also, being able to encourage and love them well.

The best part of Kingdom Called was the last part which is the Great Commissioning. It was so cool to see 250 people in one room just on fire for God and for the world and for the Gospel of Christ! We were prayed for and got to pray for the International Summer Projects (Uruguay, Ghana, East Asia, France, and Australia), Here's Life Inner City Interns, STINTers, and Interns for this upcoming summer and year. It was such a powerful experience to get to hear so many people pray at once.

Praise Reports:
1. My mom making a gift during Easter Break towards my Summer Project! She told that she still doesn't want me to go, but that she is proud of me.
2. For the ways in which God has provided, I am currently at $3,000. Working towards my third goal of $3,700 by May 3.

Prayer Requests:
For me:
1. For me to be at peace and that when I do get stressed or fearful that I would turn to God and mediate on His Word and be reminded of His character and His promises.
2. For me to trust God with my academics, time, and support raising - I need to raise $4,950 by May 19
3. For the testimony that I will be sharing on the evening of Saturday, April 27 at our Metro Milwaukee Cru Fellowship Dinner that others would be encouraged by it

For this summer:
1. For our team to fall more deeply in love with the Lord
2. For us to be able to love, care, and encourage one another well throughout summer
3. For the men- to be leaders and sacrificial with their time
 For the ladies - to let go of that independence and to be willing to let the men look after them as well as to be able encourage and love them well
4. For us to be courageous and bold in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in Uruguay

I just want to say thank you for all your prayers, encouragement, support, and love! I will update this as frequently as I can when I am in Uruguay. It is recommended that we do not bring our laptops with us so my access to Internet will be limited. Our Project Director will be creating a Facebook page where we will be able to share praise reports with all of you throughout the summer. I will share the link with you all once the page is created. Have a blessed day! *Besos*

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