Thursday, May 2, 2013

How is support raising going?

How is support raising going? That is the number one question that I have been asked these past few weeks. Since so many people have been asking I figured it would be a good time to update all of you on how support raising is going. I would say it's going well. Right now, I am at $4,315. I'm so close to my goal of $4,950 by May 19. God has been providing in ways that I would of never imagined. A week ago, God provided more than $1,000 in a week. I had a few support appointments with married couples. It was such a blessing to be able to share a meal with them, but most importantly to be encouraged by them. It was exactly what I needed to be reminded that even though at times I may feel discouraged others are encouraged by what I will be doing this summer. I am constantly reminded that our God is so good and that He will provide exactly what I need in order to serve Him this summer in Uruguay. I have been just so overwhelmed by His love and people's generosity.

Prayer Requests:
1. For tomorrow night, I am having a Latin Cardio (Zumba) Fundraiser to raise funds for Uruguay. There will be a $5 minimum donation and all the funds will go toward my mission trip to Uruguay this summer.
2.  That I would meet by goal of $4,950 before May 19. I am really trusting God to provide the rest of my support. I have no way of paying for the difference. For me to trust that God has already hand-picked the people who will support me this summer. Also, for God to continue working and stirring in people's hearts to support my ministry this summer.
4. For these next 2 weeks coming up just for strength and peace. Finals week is this coming week and my 2 hardest finals are on Monday in Philosophy and History. I'll be moving out my apartment next weekend and going home for a week before I leave Lord willing.
5. Lastly, pray for my teammates that they would also be able to finish school well and that God would bring in the rest of their support.

I just want to say gracias (thank you) for all your prayers, encouragement, support, and love! I will update this as frequently as I can when I am in Uruguay. Have a blessed day! *Besos*

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