Thursday, May 9, 2013


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28

God promises us to give us rest. This week has been hard. It is finals weeks, but thankfully God has given me the strength that I need to go through this week. I'm constantly reminded that He is faithful and will always provide what we need before we are even aware that a need exists. Resting in Him and His promises today. 

This will be last blog update before I leave in 11 days to Uruguay! :) I'm so excited to be serving the Lord this summer with 14 other college students from the Upper Midwest Region. I'll be moving out my apartment in Milwaukee on  Sunday right after service and spending a week at home in Chicago before I leave. I hope for this to be a good time of rest not just physical, but also soul rest.

Prayer Requests:
  • Please pray for me and my teammates that we finish up our semesters and support raising well. That we would trust that God is going to provide in BIG ways! I'm $400 short at the moment, but I know that God will provide the rest that I need to serve Him this summer in Uruguay in His perfect timing. I need to have all my support by May Briefing.
  • Pray for safe travels. I'll be flying out from Chicago to Minneapolis next Sunday for May Briefing (5/19) and we will be flying out as a team from Minneapolis on the 20th to Uruguay!
  • Pray for God to be preparing our hearts for the work that He will do in and through each and every one of us this summer. Also, pray for the Uruguayans that we will interact with this summer that God would also be preparing their hearts to hear the Good News.
  • Pray specifically for the college campuses that will be working on in the capital city, Montevideo. We expect God to do BIG things through us this summer in reaching students with the the love and Gospel of Christ! 

Keep up to date throughout the summer by visiting or 'liking' our Facebook page:

I hope to update my blog on a weekly basis. I'll send you my next update from Uruguay! :)

Also, I have my summer address if you would like to send me a letter or a homemade birthday card to Uruguay! :) I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday in Uruguay on June 7th! Either send me a Facebook message or e-mail me at rosa.castillo@marquette if you would like it. 

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