Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hi everyone! :)

Our team only has 5 days left in Uruguay and 3 more days on campus. I find it hard to believe that our time here is coming to an end. To be honest, it makes me sad. I've learned so much in the 5 weeks that we have been here about Uruguay, myself, and God. The Uruguayan people is what I will miss the most. Their friendly and loving culture. I will miss greeting and saying goodbye to everyone with a beso (kiss). I'm going to miss eating dulce de leche and bizcochos (pastries).

As I reflect on these past 5 weeks, I realized that I have never experienced peace in the way that I have here during these past 5 weeks. A peace that only come from God. I have realized that in the United States, I am always worrying about things that sometimes do not even matter or that I do not have any control over. I'm a worrier. For me this a huge take away, learning to trust God not only with the big things, but also with the little things. Being detached has also really helped with me being able to feel at peace.

Also, I have a huge desire and heart to serve the Lord. I have been praying about possibly STINTing here after I graduate and what that may look like. To be honest, the idea of it terrifies me. Leaving everything behind and serving the Lord full-time for 10 months. Pray that I would completely surrender my post-graduation plans to God and that His will would be done whether it is to return to Uruguay or to serve Him somewhere else.

To be honest, I'm excited to go back home, but not excited to leave. I'm excited to see my family and friends. Especially, to see my discipler who returned from STINTing in Montpellier, France who will be picking me up from the airport! :) With that excitement also comes a bit of fear. During Project, you experience community and fellowship in a unique way. At home, I do not really have a community or a group of believers. Pray that God would provide what I need to grow during my time at home before I move back to Milwaukee for my senior year. I am beyond blessed to have been able to serve in this beautiful country these past 5 weeks.

Prayer requests:
1. Pray for our team as we finish our ministry here and for our Project Debrief this weekend. For safe travels back home. Also, pray that we would not forget about the things that we learned here, but that we would continue being intentional about sharing the Gospel with our family and friends back home.
2. For me to continue experiencing peace and that I would completely surrender my post-graduation plans to God.
3. For the student leaders here in Vida Estudiantil in Montevideo and for the movement here. The 10 STINTers will leaving this Thursday back home and we will be leaving on Sunday. Pray for the student leaders as they lead the movement that they would rely on God and that the movement here would continue to grow.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement! Besos all the way from Uruguay! :) 

Friday, June 14, 2013


Hi everyone! :) I hope you are all having a Happy Friday! Here is an update of some of our adventures in Montevideo.

Last week, we went to a soccer game before we left on our Mid-Project Retreat to Salto. We went to a friendly game of Uruguay vs. France. It was a lot of fun and a great experience! 

Below is a picture of the stadium and of our team with some Uruguayans :)  


At the end of last week, we traveled to Salto which is about 6 hours away from Montevideo for our Mid-Project Retreat. On Thursday, we went to aguas termales (hot springs) a little while after we arrived. On Friday, we went to a water park and that is how I celebrated my 21st birthday with my team. It was hard being away from home for my birthday, but I could of not been more blessed than to celebrate it with my Uruguay Summer Project family! The best part was being able to Skype with my mom for a bit and she sang me Las Mañanitas (happy birthday song in Spanish). Overall, it was a really good time and refreshing.

This week was good. I'm tired, but it's a good tired. Getting tired for the Gospel. Today, one of my roommates and I were able to bring a young man to Christ! It was completely out of our comfort zones, but we are both thankful that we were able to be obedient to the Spirit. He desired to have a personal relationship with God. I asked him, if anyone had ever taken to the time to explain to him how he could have a personal relationship with God and he said no. When I asked him, if he thought it was possible for a person to have a personal relationship with God his response was that he thought it was possible, but  he didn't know how. It brought me so much joy to be able to share the Gospel with him! 

A verse that I have been working on memorizing is 1 Peter 3:15 which says,  "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.."

Please pray for fútbol (soccer) outreach tonight. This is a picture our of last one :)

Prayer requests:
1. For our remaining 2 weeks here in Montevideo. We will be spending time reconnecting with friends that we have made on the different facultades (campuses) and having follow-up appointments with students that we have led to Christ.
2. Pray for Facundo who prayed to receive Christ today. That God would continue to work in his life and that he would grow in their understanding of Him. Also, pray for the other students that God would continue working in their hearts and that they would see their need for Him.

Thank you all of you for your continued prayers, support, encouragement, and support! Besos all the way from Uruguay! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

This is a truth that I have been constantly reminded of this week as I have been out sharing the Gospel everyday on campuses here in Montevideo. The truth is many of us are familiar with this verse and many of us may know it by memory, but what do we ever take the time to actually reflect on it? This week I have been taking time to reflect on it. God loved us so much that He gave His one and only son so that we could have eternal life. This reminds me of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross to pay the price for our sins. I've been thinking about it and I don't know many people who would be willing to sacrifice their lives for me. For me, this helps put it into perspective of how much God truly does love us.

God has been doing a lot in my heart this week. On Monday, I was at Catholic with my team sharing and I saw a young lady sitting by herself. I felt that I should go talk to her, but I wasn't sure why. I hesitated to be honest, but continued to walk her way anyways. I went through the Quest Survey with her which is a tool that Cru uses to initiate spiritual conversations that consists of 5 questions. I could sense that something was wrong. She explained to me that she had been going through a rough time and I asked her if she would be willing to share more if she felt comfortable. It turned out she had been in a really bad car accident 15 days ago with two younger girls and both of them died. She knew that God had been protecting her. She told me that she was not very religious before the accident. It reminded me of the importance of living in the present and it gave me a greater desire and sense of urgency to share the Gospel. It was such a blessing to be able to share the Gospel with her and I felt an unexplainable sense of joy when she prayed to receive Christ.

To be honest, I really do enjoy being able to be able to share my faith with the Uruguayan students here in Montevideo, but it is also hard. That's the reality. This week, I've also had moments when I just wanted to cry. So many Uruguayan students have no desire whatsoever in having a personal relationship with God. It just breaks my heart that they do not see their need for Jesus. I constantly have to remind myself that I just need to be a faithful servant of the Lord and preach the Gospel. I need to trust Him with the results. There is nothing that I can do or say to change their hearts. It is only God that changes hearts.

Prayer requests:
1. That God would continue working in the hearts of the Uruguayan students and for my team as we continue to go out preaching the Gospel. That we would be continue to be bold and courageous.
2. For physical and soul rest. At the end of this week, we will be going on our Mid-Project Retreat in Salto just that this time would be refreshing and relaxing.
3. Pray for my birthday. I will be turning 21 on Friday, June 7th while we are on Mid-Project Retreat in Salto. I'm sure it'll be great celebrating with my teammates, but my birthday in particular is very special day to me that I like to celebrate with family.

I just want to say that being here has made me realize how incredibly blessed I am. I'm so thankful for my family, friends, supporters, my education, and my health among so many other things. Tonight, I am thankful for the gentlemen on our team. They have really gone out of their way to love and care for the ladies on our Project. They made us the best dinner I've in Uruguay so far! A Cesar salad, stir fry, brownies, & apples! I've never missed veggies and fruits so much in my life! It's the little things you take for granted. The best part was being able to take Communion together tonight as a family and reflecting on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross by dying for our sins. Besos all the way from Uruguay! :)