Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hi everyone! :)

Our team only has 5 days left in Uruguay and 3 more days on campus. I find it hard to believe that our time here is coming to an end. To be honest, it makes me sad. I've learned so much in the 5 weeks that we have been here about Uruguay, myself, and God. The Uruguayan people is what I will miss the most. Their friendly and loving culture. I will miss greeting and saying goodbye to everyone with a beso (kiss). I'm going to miss eating dulce de leche and bizcochos (pastries).

As I reflect on these past 5 weeks, I realized that I have never experienced peace in the way that I have here during these past 5 weeks. A peace that only come from God. I have realized that in the United States, I am always worrying about things that sometimes do not even matter or that I do not have any control over. I'm a worrier. For me this a huge take away, learning to trust God not only with the big things, but also with the little things. Being detached has also really helped with me being able to feel at peace.

Also, I have a huge desire and heart to serve the Lord. I have been praying about possibly STINTing here after I graduate and what that may look like. To be honest, the idea of it terrifies me. Leaving everything behind and serving the Lord full-time for 10 months. Pray that I would completely surrender my post-graduation plans to God and that His will would be done whether it is to return to Uruguay or to serve Him somewhere else.

To be honest, I'm excited to go back home, but not excited to leave. I'm excited to see my family and friends. Especially, to see my discipler who returned from STINTing in Montpellier, France who will be picking me up from the airport! :) With that excitement also comes a bit of fear. During Project, you experience community and fellowship in a unique way. At home, I do not really have a community or a group of believers. Pray that God would provide what I need to grow during my time at home before I move back to Milwaukee for my senior year. I am beyond blessed to have been able to serve in this beautiful country these past 5 weeks.

Prayer requests:
1. Pray for our team as we finish our ministry here and for our Project Debrief this weekend. For safe travels back home. Also, pray that we would not forget about the things that we learned here, but that we would continue being intentional about sharing the Gospel with our family and friends back home.
2. For me to continue experiencing peace and that I would completely surrender my post-graduation plans to God.
3. For the student leaders here in Vida Estudiantil in Montevideo and for the movement here. The 10 STINTers will leaving this Thursday back home and we will be leaving on Sunday. Pray for the student leaders as they lead the movement that they would rely on God and that the movement here would continue to grow.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement! Besos all the way from Uruguay! :) 

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