Friday, June 14, 2013


Hi everyone! :) I hope you are all having a Happy Friday! Here is an update of some of our adventures in Montevideo.

Last week, we went to a soccer game before we left on our Mid-Project Retreat to Salto. We went to a friendly game of Uruguay vs. France. It was a lot of fun and a great experience! 

Below is a picture of the stadium and of our team with some Uruguayans :)  


At the end of last week, we traveled to Salto which is about 6 hours away from Montevideo for our Mid-Project Retreat. On Thursday, we went to aguas termales (hot springs) a little while after we arrived. On Friday, we went to a water park and that is how I celebrated my 21st birthday with my team. It was hard being away from home for my birthday, but I could of not been more blessed than to celebrate it with my Uruguay Summer Project family! The best part was being able to Skype with my mom for a bit and she sang me Las Mañanitas (happy birthday song in Spanish). Overall, it was a really good time and refreshing.

This week was good. I'm tired, but it's a good tired. Getting tired for the Gospel. Today, one of my roommates and I were able to bring a young man to Christ! It was completely out of our comfort zones, but we are both thankful that we were able to be obedient to the Spirit. He desired to have a personal relationship with God. I asked him, if anyone had ever taken to the time to explain to him how he could have a personal relationship with God and he said no. When I asked him, if he thought it was possible for a person to have a personal relationship with God his response was that he thought it was possible, but  he didn't know how. It brought me so much joy to be able to share the Gospel with him! 

A verse that I have been working on memorizing is 1 Peter 3:15 which says,  "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.."

Please pray for fútbol (soccer) outreach tonight. This is a picture our of last one :)

Prayer requests:
1. For our remaining 2 weeks here in Montevideo. We will be spending time reconnecting with friends that we have made on the different facultades (campuses) and having follow-up appointments with students that we have led to Christ.
2. Pray for Facundo who prayed to receive Christ today. That God would continue to work in his life and that he would grow in their understanding of Him. Also, pray for the other students that God would continue working in their hearts and that they would see their need for Him.

Thank you all of you for your continued prayers, support, encouragement, and support! Besos all the way from Uruguay! 

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